Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Difference Between Sarcasm and Verbal Irony

Ello, there! How is everyone's Saturday going? Mine, too.

Today, I learned something very amazing and frightening. I have been informed (by my text book for my Poetry Writing class) that I have been overextending my use of the word "sarcasm."

Now, before I learned this shocking truth, I have been using the word "sarcasm" very frequently. For example, if someone asked me how my Saturday was going, like I had just done above, and I hadn't been having a very good Saturday, I would respond, "Oh, just great. That's sarcasm, by the way."

-Insert buzzer sound when a person answers incorrectly on a gameshow here-

That is, in fact, incorrect. This is not sarcasm, folks. This is something we call "verbal irony."

You: So, Andrea, what is verbal irony?

Verbal irony is saying one thing when you mean the opposite.

You: But, Andrea, isn't that what sarcasm is?

Yes and no. Sarcasm is a spoke underneath the little verbal irony umbrella. It branches out from the verbal irony tree, if you will. They both require saying something that means the opposite. However, here is where the trick comes in: Sarcasm is meant to injure the feelings of another.

For example, if I am playing basketball (which I fail miserably at, by the way), and I steal the ball (I don't even know if that's the correct term for this), and am being closed in by a dozen other more experienced basketball players who are most likely stronger and a LOT taller than me (I'm a midget), and running to the basket is not an option because everyone is all up in my grill (is that what they call it?), I have no choice but to attempt to make a shot at the half-court line. So, I bend my knees and jump as high as I can--the ball goes flying--the crowd gasps at the incredible risk I am taking---!

--And the ball doesn't even come near to the basket. I have failed miserably at basketball.

So what do my teammates say?

"Nice, shot, Andrea."

That, my friends, would be sarcasm.

In short:

Sarcasm: Saying one thing and meaning another to hurt the feelings of another.
                  Ex: "Nice going."

Verbal Irony: Saying one thing and meaning another. That's it.
                  Ex: "I'm really looking forward to being mocked, whipped, and crucified tomorrow!" -Jesus.

This is verbal irony because He doesn't say this to hurt the feelings of another. Because that would be a sin, and He's Jesus.

We usually use verbal irony more than we use sarcasm, which is good, because sarcasm is mean. Remember, Jesus never used sarcasm. He used verbal irony.


  1. The Jesus example just made my day.

    1. Yeah that was just hilarious . Wow, I'm replying to a comment from 3 years ago

  2. Thanks, I learned something new today!! (and I'm not being sarcastic...or, am I?) lol

  3. Good to know thankyou
    (But that is debatably verbal irony because jesus was kinda looking forward to it becous by that he saved chistions so still humorous but not necessarily verbal irony)

  4. Good to know thankyou
    (But that is debatably verbal irony because jesus was kinda looking forward to it becous by that he saved chistions so still humorous but not necessarily verbal irony)

  5. Good to know thankyou
    (But that is debatably verbal irony because jesus was kinda looking forward to it becous by that he saved chistions so still humorous but not necessarily verbal irony)

  6. Good to know thankyou
    (But that is debatably verbal irony because jesus was kinda looking forward to it becous by that he saved chistions so still humorous but not necessarily verbal irony)

  7. Excellent use of the internet, Isaac!

    (That was sarcasm, amirite?)

    1. Yes u are correct and wow I'm replying on the exact date from last year now

  8. I was researching on the types of irony because I do have a particular interest in delving into unnecessary information after doing my homework (or so my parents said). Now I don't think it's a problem or waste of time at all. I think your blog is incredibly interesting to read. I'm trying my best to control myself and save the other 5? of your blog posts to read for the rest of the months in this year (I shall last till November then, which will probably be when I continue my daily routine of Youtube video after Youtube video until New Year's comes and I make a new and useless New Year's resolution not to watch any Youtube.)

    Please post more! It might be 5 years after your blog post...but I still hope for more posts! (Alright, writing that down, it does seem a bit hopeless.)
